Preparing for Revival as Individuals
What We Can Do as Individuals to Prepare for Revival [Ep.3]

In today’s episode we are talking about what we can we as individuals to spark revival, how we can prepare for it, and how to identify when a true revival has broken out.
I saw this quote from Andrew Bonar and it was so good I had to share it with you all.
“Revivals begin with God’s own people; the Holy Spirit touches their heart anew, and gives them new fervor and compassion, and zeal, new light and life, and when He has this come to you, He next goes forth to the valley of dry bones…Oh, what responsibility this lays on the Church of God! If you grieve Him away from yourselves, or hinder His visit, then the poor perishing world suffers sorely!” ~Andrew Bonar
Wow…if we grieve Him away from ourselves or hinder His visit…. I don’t know about you but I do NOT want to be found guilty of hindering the Lord’s visit!

So what can each of us do to spark revival?
I had a pastor who used to say, “draw a circle on the ground with your foot. Then step inside the circle. Now pray that revival would start inside the circle.” Lord, let revival start in me. That’s the first and best thing we can do right there!
And I pray that everyone listening will pray that prayer. Let’s say it together… Lord, let revival start in me!
Prayer is key to revival and something we can all do. We need to be praying for revival and spiritual awakening to start in us and those around us.
We can begin by starting each day with the Lord. Before you go to work, or before you dive into your to-do list for the day, make God a priority by spending time with Him. Pray, read the Bible, start a gratitude journal. Let Him know you WANT His presence. If you’re not sure where to start check out my journal “Start Your Day Right”. Visit this link for five easy steps to help you start your day right: Steps to Start Your Day Right
“When Holy God draws near in true revival, people come under terrible conviction of sin. The outstanding feature of spiritual awakening has been profound consciousness of the Presence and holiness of God.” ~Henry Blackaby
This Quote by Henry Blackaby leads us into the next step we can take.
When we come under the conviction of sin it should lead to Repentance.
1 John 1:8-10 “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.”
Repentence Leads to Revival
Romans 3:23 tells us ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
We all make mistakes…some small and some bigger. We need to make sure we don’t have any unrepented sin hanging out there anywhere.
Isaiah 59:2 says “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.”
This tells me our sin could hinder His visit.
(Listen to the podcast episode for a Prayer of repentance.)
So, we have prayed for revival to start in ourselves, we have recognized our sin and repented. Our God is just to forgive our sins so if you prayed that with a sincere heart then you are fully forgiven.
Now we can move into ways we can prepare for revival.
Pray for Workers
With revival comes work and that means we need workers. I challenge you to begin praying Matthew 9:38 – “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Lord raise up the workers needed to help bring souls into the Kingdom Harvest.
Pray for Outreach Opportunities
Pray for open doors – for mission and outreach opportunities in your own community.
Jesus tells us in Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
And in Matthew 28:19-20 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
There is a keyword in both of these scriptures – GO. We are commissioned to GO outside the walls of the church building and bring the GOOD NEWS to all creation – that means all our community.
Be praying for opportunities to be out in the community doing good, sharing the love of Jesus, and witnessing to the power of the living God.
Pray for healings, deliverance, and freedom every chance you get. This may happen in the church but is also very likely to happen outside of normal church service times. Be prepared to pray In the supermarket, grocery store, post office or at community events. As you begin to push into this new season, opportunities WILL come up. We call these divine appointments.
As the Lord begins to move through prayers of the people His power will be revealed. People’s lives will be changed and THAT will draw in more people who will believe.
This will cause the gospel to spread like wildfire!
True Worship
Another key to revival is true Worship of the Father – sincere uninhibited worship.
If you were in prison serving a life sentence and one day the guard walks up to your cell, unlocks the door, and tells you – you are free to go because someone else took your place. YOu now have complete freedom and a second chance at life! You would rejoice like never before!
That is exactly what Jesus did for you. He paid the ultimate price for your salvation when he died on the cross for you and for me so that we might spend eternity in heaven. We are not worthy yet he looked ahead in time and said you are worth it. He loves you so much and He wants you to live in complete freedom. He absolutely adores you when you worship him with your whole heart.
This just makes me want to Give him praise – for what He is doing (seen and unseen) and Rejoice in all the things to come!
3 Signs the Next Great Awakening has Begun

**Article from Christian
- Prayer is being prioritized
- Believers are being mobilized.
- Unity is being maximized.
We have covered prioritizing prayer and mobilizing believers to share the good news of Jesus.
So, let’s talk about Unity being maximized…
Unity is something we aren’t seeing much of in our world right now. The enemy’s goal is to kill, steal, and destroy. One of his tactics is division. But we can combat this through prayer and uniting with others.
In the early days the apostles shared everything they had.
Acts 4:32-33:”All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all. “
Unity between churches
What if we came together with other ministries to do a united work for the Lord?
I know of a few churches who are doing just that. Three community churches came together to offer Vacation Bible School. All the workers pitched in and it was a great success. They have even held other events together.
That doesn’t mean we have to all agree on the same theology. We just need to agree we are all headed to the same destination. I had a doctor friend explain this very well one day. She said, “We are all going to the same destination. Our journey may look different and that’s ok. Just like some drive Fords and others drive a Dodge or a Chevy. Our vehicles might be different but as long as our destination is the same that’s what matters.”
What if your church came together with other churches in your community and began praying together or holding events together? I just feel like that would make the Lord’s heart smile!
It reminds me of siblings. They have so much in common but can fight like cats and dogs. But when I witness all three of my girls doing something together and getting along for an extended amount of time I just beam with joy! Imagine how God would feel if He saw churches working together for a common goal and getting along while doing it!
Let’s add that to our list of prayers this week. Lord, show us how we can maximize unity in our community. Link us together with other ministries and reveal ways we can work together to grow your Kingdom.

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Hi, I’m your host, Jacklin Drake. I am a wife, mom, Gigi, speaker, author, business administrator for a non-profit ministry, and founder of Effective Ministry Solutions LLC where we strive to Equip, Engage, and Energize leaders in Ministry.
I am passionate about helping you strategically prepare for the work the Lord is leading you to do in your ministry. I want you and your church TO BE PREPARED FOR THE HARVEST.