What Would Jesus Do Today?
What Would Jesus Do? [Ep. 4]

Lately, I have been pondering on What Jesus Would Do if He was walking on the Earth today. Remember those bracelets from the 90’s? Today We are going to chat about that slogan and imagine some of the things Jesus would do in our world.
Supreme Court Decision
As you probably know, a couple of weeks ago there was a major decision by the supreme court in a very popular case. I am thoroughly shocked at the hatred expressed by people on both sides of the issue. Especially by men and women who express that they are faithful Christians. It’s not so much their stance on the issue that is surprising but the way they have expressed hate to those with opposite opinions that is so very disappointing.
I want to remind you today that you do not have to agree with everyone else. It is also not your job to convince others to believe like you do. It is our responsibility to ask ourselves and the Lord. “What would Jesus do if He was in our shoes?”
Flashback to the 90’s
A couple of weeks ago I saw some girls wearing WWJD bracelets. I hadn’t seen one of those since they were popular when I was in high school. I’m telling my age here but if you were a part of FCA in the 90’s you probably had at least one of these bracelets! It is crazy that they are making a comeback! (Read to the end and I will tell you how you can get your very own.)

What Would Jesus Do Today?
As I was thinking about the issues in our world today, I remembered those bracelets and the slogan, “What would Jesus do?” I began to wonder what WOULD Jesus do if He was alive in our world today?
Here are some of the things I think Jesus would do:He would Help the POOR and the NEEDY and call on us to do the same.
- Jesus was always looking for ways He could touch the lives of the sick, poor, and hurting. He never shied away from an opportunity to help someone in need. Jesus had a servant’s heart.
- He would love ALL people
- He would NOT shun someone who did not believe in him.
- He would NOT “unfriend” someone who had different opinions
- He would call us to love those that look different than us, who act differently than us, and those who believe differently than us.
- He would point us to scripture to help us in times of trouble or turmoil.
- He would remind us of the two most important commandments. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul and secondly Love your neighbor as yourself.”
- He would teach us how to pray saying (Lord’s Prayer)
- And encourage us to pray without ceasing. He would tell us to pray before making important decisions and before casting our votes at local elections.
- He would welcome the Children to come to him. Telling them stories and blessing them.
- He would welcome the sinner to eat dinner with him
- He would go out to the prostitute and speak truth to her
- He would ask us lots of questions probably beginning with oh, ye of little faith…
- Why do you not believe?
- Have you forgotten what I have done for you?
- Why have we forsaken the 10 commandments?
- He would speak to churches and possibly flip some tables.
- In chapters 2 and 3 of Revelations Jesus spoke to each of the seven churches telling them exactly how he felt about each one.
- He would commission us to GO therefore into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- He would tell us Do Not Fear every day of the year
- He would assure us He would never leave us nor forsake us – regardless of the decisions or mistakes we make in life.
- He would tell us He is the ONLY way to Heaven and He wants us to accept him and spend eternity with Him and the Father.
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Jesus may not be in body on this earth but He is with us every second and He has sent His Holy Spirit to teach us, comfort us, and guide us. He has given us, as believers, the power and authority to do great works in His name.

Today as we reflect on “What Jesus Would Do”, it is important to remember we are to be the light in the world. Don’t avoid or ignore those who are different from you but be a light to those people that the Lord sends across your path. You may very well be the only Bible they read or the only sermon they hear. Share the scriptures, pray the prayers, and above all Love with the love of Christ. It’s not your job to condemn, judge them, or clean them up. Leave that work to our God who is very capable of making them a new creature in Christ.
We end our time together with a very popular scripture:
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Friends, I believe we are seeing the beginning of a very ripe harvest. Lord, prepare us to be ready as you send a harvest for the Kingdom.
At the beginning I talked about the WWJD bracelets, and I want to give you your very own.
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Hi, I’m your host, Jacklin Drake. I am a wife, mom, Gigi, speaker, author, business administrator for a non-profit ministry, and founder of Effective Ministry Solutions LLC where we strive to Equip, Engage, and Energize leaders in Ministry.
I am passionate about helping you strategically prepare for the work the Lord is leading you to do in your ministry. I want you and your church TO BE PREPARED FOR THE HARVEST.