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The Price of Revival is Surrender
Special Guest: Matt Judkins [Ep. 6]
In this episode we dive deep into the subject of Revival. We touch on some healthy habits of a Christian leader, practical steps to prepare for revival, the season the church is in today and Matt gives a great illustration of what it means to be filled and surrendered to the Holy Spirit.
Matt Judkins
Rev. Dr. Matt Judkins has been a full-time pastor since 2005 and has served McAlester First Methodist since 2014.
Following graduation from Buffalo Valley High School in Talihina, OK, Matt received his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from East Central University in Ada and then spent two years completing a Master’s degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Following this, he was an adjunct professor of biology at Oklahoma City Community College
After answering God’s call to full-time Christian ministry, he served as the mission director and junior high youth director at Chapel Hill UMC in Oklahoma City.
Later, he earned a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Drew University.
Before coming to McAlester in 2014, Matt served as an associate pastor at Church of the Servant in Northwest Oklahoma City for nearly six years where he was the minister of teaching and preaching. He is currently working on a certification in Prophetic ministry from Global Awakening College of Ministry.
Matt is passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ, prayer, the power and work of the Holy Spirit, and the history of Christian renewal and revival.

Main Talking Points
1:30 Matt’s call to ministry
4:30 Jesus is not a once-and-done relationship
5:55 Habits that keep you healthy as a healthy Christian Leader
10:05 What “Preparing the Church for the Harvest” means to Matt
12:25 How can we be prepared for the Great Harvest of souls
15:50 Practical steps to show expectancy
16:30 Revival begins with repentant people
17:45 Have tools prepared to disciple
20:00 The precondition for revival is an apathetic and fallen church
20:20 You can be a Christian and not be revived
22:00 The Price of Revival is Surrender
23:50 What it means to be filled and surrendered to the Holy Spirit
28:50 The season the church is in today has clarified what really matters

The Holy Spirit is like a Snowglobe
Matt Shared this illustration he originally heard from Putty Putnam:
Once we receive salvation the Holy Spirit resides in us much like a snow globe with all of the snow settled on the bottom. But that is not the end. If we surrender, the Lord will pick up the globe and shake it. When that happens, the snow begins to swirl around and “fill” the globe. What’s deposited in us then fills us. His presence takes over as we surrender fully to Him more and allow Him greater control of our life.

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More great quotes from the interview!
“Going all-in with Jesus is not a one-time event. He continues to ask “will you follow me here?”
“A consistent devotional life forms pathways, through which the Lord can communicate to you.”
“Day of Rest = You have no burden of productivity for that day.”
“We should anticipate the Great Harvest of Souls”
“The price of revival is surrender.”
“The real thing in Christianity is always partnered with the power of God and the power of Holy Spirit.”
“Just give the Lord a chance and open yourself up to him.”
“The Lord is more willing to move than we are willing to ask Him to move. “
“It’s time to quit playing games and seek the real thing.”
Connect with Matt
Follow Matt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/matt_judkins
Sign up for the “More of God” Newsletter: https://mattjudkins.substack.com/

It was an honor to have Matt Judkins as our first guest on the podcast.
Below are suggested books on revival from Matt. You can also download a complete list of suggested resources HERE.
Revival Rising: Preparing for the Next Great Wave of Awakening by Mark Nysewander
God’s Generals Series by Roberts Liardon
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Hi, I’m your host, Jacklin Drake. I am a wife, mom, Gigi, speaker, author, business administrator for a non-profit ministry, and founder of Effective Ministry Solutions LLC where we strive to Equip, Engage, and Energize leaders in Ministry.
I am passionate about helping you strategically prepare for the work the Lord is leading you to do in your ministry. I want you and your church TO BE PREPARED FOR THE HARVEST.