Revival is in the Core
Individual Revival Brings Corporate Revival [Ep. 7]

Joewoody Johnson
Special guest, Joewoody Johnson, joins us in episode #7 to discuss the core of Individual Revival and Corporate Revival. He shares a 100-year prophecy and his upcoming speaking event.

Main Talking Points
3:43 Habits of a healthy Christian Leader
8:00 What does “Preparing the Church for the Harvest” mean to you
10:25 What can the Church do to be ready for Revival
14:15 How can individuals help usher in revival
16:00 How faith builds
18:00 Seeking a deeper relationship with Holy Spirit
19.45 Where is revival happening right now
22:00 Healing of little girl’s foot
25:35 Praying for revival in America
27:15 Prophecy of next Great Awakening

How Churches can Prepare for the Harvest
Acts, chapter 2, tells how “the church” was birthed. The disciples were in the upper room. They were all together in one mind and in one accord.
One of the keys for the church to be prepared for the Next Great Awakening is to be all together, unified, in one mindset and one vision. To lock arms in a mission to reach the lost.
Before the next phase of the Harvest we need to get in the mindset that we ARE going to be unified.
The Seed of the Church is found in the Core
Obedience brings personal revival and individual revival brings corporate revival.
When individuals obey the little things the Lord prompts them to do, their faith rises in them and in those around them. When faith increases they are more willing and obedient to do the next assignment the Lord gives.
When faith builds in a group of people a seed is planted in that core group. Just like the seed of an apple is in the core, the seed of the church is in the core group of people.
When excitement builds in that core you gain a sense of urgency and a heart for the lost.

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More Great Quotes from the Interview!
“I don’t often spend more than half an hour in prayer at one time, but I never go more than half an hour without praying.” – Smith Wigglesworth.
“I believe we are at the fringes of revival” – Joewoody Johnson
“Obedience brings individual revival and individual revival brings corporate revival.” – Joewoody Johnson
“Just like the seed of an apple is in the core, the seed of the church is in the core group of people.” – Joewoody Johnson
“Acknowledging that Holy Spirit is real will bring the experience.” – Jacklin Drake

Connect with Joewoody
- Facebook: JoeWoody Johnson
- Pictures of little girl’s foot healed
- Bryan Cutshall shares prophecy
- Revival:This is That Conference, Keota, OK at Victory Worship Center – 302 west main , Keota, OK, United States, Oklahoma
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Hi, I’m your host, Jacklin Drake. I am a wife, mom, Gigi, speaker, author, business administrator for a non-profit ministry, and founder of Effective Ministry Solutions LLC where we strive to Equip, Engage, and Energize leaders in Ministry.
I am passionate about helping you strategically prepare for the work the Lord is leading you to do in your ministry. I want you and your church TO BE PREPARED FOR THE HARVEST.