How Friendly is Your Church?
Join us today as guest, Wanda Littrell, shares the steps to create an Effective Hospitality Team.
Special Guest: Wanda Littrell
Wanda describes herself as a wife, mother, Mimi, pastor, and lover of God. She is passionate for the Church, and contends in prayer for the next Mighty Move of God, and for the World to be saved. She has a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management and Ethics from Oklahoma Wesleyan University. She has written several Bible studies and she and her husband, Steve, write devotional books for their congregation. They pastor a church together in Madill, OK, where they live with their little dog, Gracie.

How beautiful it is to walk into a place where people who love God
are waiting to meet you and waiting to love on you
and bring you into the family of God.
~Wanda Littrell
Why is a Hospitality Team Important?
The hospitality team starts at the front door and many times will be a deciding factor if a first time guest will be a returning visitor. It is important to greet everyone in love and connect with them in the first few minutes. Some research shows the decision to come back is made in the first 10 minutes. Most of the time that is before the music ever starts. We need to be intentional in our efforts from the moment they drive into the parking lot.
What does a good Hospitality Team look like?
From the moment a visitor or long time member steps into the doors they should be met by a greeter who is loving and excited to see them. It is great to have a long time member of the community who would recognize newcomers. It is also beneficial to have a husband and wife team which helps improve connections. A key element is having a way to get contact info from visitors and having a system in place to follow up with them. Another important piece is to have a gift or at least a brochure or handout that gives the service times and program information.
Steps for Creating a Hospitality Team
- Prayer
- Invite everyone to a training day
- Offer a sign-up sheet for designated areas (greeters, ushers, coffee/snacks, welcome gifts)
- Create a connect card to get contact info for visitors
- Have a handout to share programs and service times
- Create a System to follow up with visitors and those who haven’t been in awhile.
It is a great idea to preach a sermon series on loving one another before the training day.
How can Implementing Hospitality help us Prepare for Revival?
- It increases expectations – The first Sunday after training the people in hospitality the Lord brought 5 new visitors. The people were so excited and they were ready.
- It prepares us to welcome EVERYONE as if welcoming Christ.
- It creates a heart change when you become a welcoming congregation.
- Makes it easier to go out into the world (beyond the church walls) to share the love of God.
What can We do as Individuals if there is no Team
Everyone can be intentional about greeting newcomers and making everyone feel welcome. Spend at least 3 minutes visiting with someone you don’t know well. Notice the 10’ diameter around you and connect with those in your circle. Notice when someone is absent from that circle and reach out to let them know they were missed.
Welcoming is the Job of Everyone
- Look around.
- Smile.
- Shake a Hand.
- Invite Someone to Church.
- Invite Someone to Sunday School.
- Invite Someone to a program or small group.
Make a CONNECTION, and then CONNECT Others.
Take responsibility to welcome those within 10 Feet of you, especially those who may be alone.
3-Minute Rule:
Spend at least 3 minutes before and after worship talking to someone you don’t know very well, whether they are new to the congregation, or a long-timer.
- Notice Everyone
- Introduce yourself, learn each person’s name
- Introduce guests to others
- Offer a warm and sincere goodbye
- Invite people to come again
Guest Connections Card (2 sided printable) Includes 10 ft rule and 3 minute rule

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders,
make the most of every opportunity.
Let your conversation be always full of grace.”
~Colossians 4:5-6A
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The Jump Start Guide to Vision Planning
Signs you NEED a Vision
- Our church is on autopilot just going through the motions.
- We aren’t seeing any new visitors walk through the doors.
- We don’t feel like we are making a difference in the community.
- Our regular people are dwindling.
- We aren’t seeing any lost come to Christ.
- We aren’t seeing spiritual growth within the church or ministry.
Benefits of Creating a Vision Plan
You are going to feel so excited, so energized, and so joyful about creating a plan that is inspired by the Lord.
You’ll know exactly what steps to take to see the vision become a reality.
Your heart will be so full of joy as you know you are partnering with the Lord in His plan for you.
Are you ready for the challenge?
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