
Preparing the Church for the Harvest Podcast:

Providing Solutions for Effective Ministry and Spiritual Growth

Listen in on how you and your church can prepare and be prepared for revival!

We are praying for revival and a great harvest of souls but are we really ready for an influx of people into our buildings and ministries?

This show is for church staff, pastors, and even volunteers in ministry. We will share solutions for effective ministry and individual spiritual growth. We want to be ready for the people the Lord brings to our church or ministry. We will discuss welcoming visitors – from hospitality to getting them connected and serving. Keeping our leaders trained, engaged, and energized. The effects growth can have on church administration.

Hi, I’m Jacklin Drake. I have been in leadership or administration of ministry for over 25 years. I have worked with pastors and leadership teams of many denominations and have a passion to help ministries be more effective in Kingdom work!

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